Prof. Dr. Semih AKTEKİN

Rector Prof. Dr. Semih AKTEKİN
He was born in Ahlat in 1974.
He completed his primary, secondary and high school education in Tatvan. He graduated from the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Sciences at Ankara University in 1996.
He won the scholarship exam by the Ministry of National Education under Law No.1416, and was sent to England for graduate education. He received master's degree from the History Education program at the Faculty of Education at Nottingham University and at the School Development and Continuing Professional Development program, and a doctorate in the Teacher Training program. He was appointed as a faculty member of the Fatih Education Faculty at Black Sea Technical University for his compulsory service on his return to the country.
Semih Aktekin, who was appointed as a consultant at the Ministry of National Education in 2013, served as the Director General of Higher Education and Abroad Education between the years of 2014-2016 and the Director General of Teacher Training and Development between the years of 2016-2018. In 2019, he was appointed as Faculty Member at Faculty of Letters and Advisor to the Rector of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University.
During his period of Director General, he carried out many projects and activities such as updating the legislation related to the YLSY program within the scope of Law No. 1416 and restructuring the programs, publishing the Teacher Strategy Document, updating and publishing the Teaching Proficiency General Qualification Document, launching the Candidate Teacher Training Program, rearranging the In-Service Training activities of the Ministry of National Education in line with inclusive approach and activity-based practice, starting the second phase of School Based Disaster Education, organizing in-service training programs of Syrian teachers serving in Temporary Education Centers.
He served as CoHE Bologna Expertise, Higher Education Quality Board (CoHEQB) Member, CoHE Board Member, Teacher Training Working Group Member, TUBITAK RFBR CPDK Member, TÜBİTAK Science and Society Programs DDK Member, UNESCO International Teacher Action Force Executive Committee Member, a board member of the European History Educators Union (EuroClio) and a board member of the TALIS project run by the OECD on various dates.
Prof. Dr. Semih Aktekin, assigned as a substitute Rector of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University by CoHE on 26. 03. 2020, was appointed to the position of principal Rector by the Presidential Decree dated and numbered 23 June 2020 and 2020/304 published in the Official Gazette on 24.06.2020.
Prof. Dr. Semih Aktekin is married and has two children.