Visit from AHBV University Rector Tekin to NEVÜ Rector Aktekin

12 August 2020 3396

Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin, Rector of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University (AHBV), visited Prof. Dr. Semih Aktekin, Rector of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University (NEVÜ).

Rector of AHBV University Yusuf Tekin, along with Kemal Şamlıoğlu, member of Presidential Education and Training Policies Board and General Secretary of AHBV University, visited Prof. Dr. Semih Aktekin in his office and wished him success with his  new assignment as the Rector of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University (NEVÜ).

Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin stated that he confidently believed that Rector Aktekin, who had performed significant studies while working together in the Ministry of National Education and AHBV University, would lead successful and remarkable studies in Nevşehir as well.

One of the former general directors of MEB Private Educational Institutions and member of Presidential Education and Training Policies Board Dr. Kemal Şamlıoğlu, who served as general managers with Prof. Dr. Aktekin in the same period, expressed his satisfaction with the appointment of Prof. Dr. Aktekin as rector and gave information about the various studies on higher education carried out by the Presidential Education and Training Policies Board.

Rector Aktekin thanked Rector Prof. Dr. Yusuf Tekin ve Dr. Kemal Şamlıoğlu for their kind visit and expressed his pleasure to host Turkey's two leading names in the field of education and training. Rector Aktekin informed visitors about staff, students, departments and programs and about the physical structure of NEVÜ in particular. Rector Aktekin said: "As two universities bearing the names of Hacı Bayram Veli and Hacı Bektaş Veli who are among the most important figures of our spiritual world, we will be pleased to carry out common projects in different fields by following the basic principles and values ​​of these names."